All ladies, age 18 and over, registered at St. Michael’s Catholic Church are automatically members of the Altar Society, whether they choose to be active or inactive. Dues are $10.00/year paid via envelope system in January. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (except June and July) at 10am in the Church Library. We try to plan something at each meeting that is spiritual and interesting.
St. Michael’s Altar Society objectives are as follows:
- To serve as medium through which the Catholic Women of St. Michael’s may speak and act as a unit on all matters of common interest;
- To render definite assistance and cooperate with other approved Church, civic and social agencies in the endeavor to create interest in and aid in the solution of present day religious, civic, social and educational problems;
- To further the spiritual and material undertakings which may be recommended by the Society;
- To establish and supervise such commissions and conferences as shall be necessary for the conduct of our work;
- To provide the financial means to pay for all the hosts and votive candles used at St. Michael’s;
- To maintain altar linens and decorate the altars on a weekly basis;
- To maintain a “Sunshine Committee” which will arrange for a meal for bereaved families of the parish at a time specified by the family.
- To assist and cooperate with the parish priest at all times.